Today there are so many threats to your online privacy and security! Where do you even start? Well lucky for you we have put everything you need to know right here.
Want to know how to improve your online privacy? How do you stay up to date? What do you do if you have been hacked? What should you do if there is a breach? How do you update your privacy settings?
All is revealed below. Dive straight in and protect yourself right away.

What You Need to Know About the T-Mobile Data Breach
On August 16, 2021 T-Mobile announced that it was investigating a possible data breach. On August 17th, the company confirmed that data was stolen.

New Privacy Tips for Facebook and WhatsApp
Facebook Updates Its "Access Your Information" Feature
Facebook has updated its "Access Your Information" tool that allows users to see their persona…

How Secret Surveillance Scores Are Impacting Your Life
You have probably heard about Secret Surveillance Scores, right? Or you may have even seen our video on it (if not, watch it here now).

Are Marketers Mining Data off Your Cell Phone?
Are you familiar with personal data mining? You should be. Chances are, your phone is being mined—right now—without you even knowing it.

Joey's Gist: Music Streaming Services
Do you stream music? Great. But do you know the hidden dangers like emotional surveillance tactics? Joey reveals all...

Is Your Phone Being Stalked?
Has your phone been hacked? Is anyone reading your WhatsApp messages? Are you being spied on even as you read this?
Just the idea of being spied on o…

Joey's Gist: Social Media Ads (Part 2)
How to change the settings. Know that you're going to still be getting adds, but they won't be as stalkery anymore, because they won't be based on y…

Joey's Gist: Social Media Ads (Part 1)
So what's the deal with ads on social media!!? Doesn't it feel like we are constantly being targeted? Keep your privacy intact. More next week on th…

The Up Your Privacy Game
There’s a major scrimmage happening continually in the digital world. You need to get off the bench and get into the game to safeguard your person…

Do You Need a VPN (Virtual Private Network)?
Surfing the web can be dangerous on many different levels. We all know that. With a simple click you can download malware, ransomware or viruses. And …

Ripped Off Because of Your Secret Surveillance Score?
Many businesses use this score (with intimate details) to predetermine your consumer behavior. Reckon this is a way to profit from you, or what?

Protect Your Messenger Accounts from Scammers and Hackers!
Are you on a messenger platform or program? Like WhatsApp, Viber, WeChat and the like? Are you aware of how many scams are happening on these platform…

How many online accounts do you have? Are they safe from hackers and scammers? If so, that means you've probably been careful, or at least lucky.

It's Time to Up Your Personal Privacy Game
Are you concerned about your online and offline privacy? Some people aren't concerned because they think they have nothing to hide or that all of thei…

The EDM, err... Electronic Festival You Didn't Know You Were Hosting
Your close friends, Siri, Alexa, Robin, and Cortana, are hosting a party on your cell phone.
Oh yeah – and they forgot to tell you they've been hos…

Hacked on Social Media?
Are you unknowingly bombarding friends with random tweets with dark links? Sharing pictures and clickbait links on Instagram without your knowledge? I…

Is Credit Card Privacy a Delusion?
Data mining is more than just the latest buzzword in a tech-driven society. It's serious business for credit card companies. Credit card usage creates…

Online Profiling: It's Not What You Think. It's Worse!
No, robots have not taken over the planet. But, some online users might think that's the case when they learn how advancements in artificial intellige…

What You Should Know About the Capital One Data Breach
In late July, Capital One announced that a data breach exposed the personal information of approximately 100 million individuals in the U.S. and appro…

What You Need to Know About the Equifax Data Breach Settlement
Almost two years ago, in September of 2017, Equifax announced a data breach that exposed the personal information of 147 million people. Now a recent …
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